
Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made 4 weeks before the start of your registered camp will receive a 90% refund.

Cancellations within 4 weeks of the start date of your registered camp are not eligible for partial or full refunds.

Refunds/credits will not be offered for days your child cannot attend camp for reasons that arise during the week of camp (illnesses, family emergencies, etc.).

COVID/Mask Policy

As of right now, masks for campers are optional indoors and outdoors.

In the event that there is a sharp increase in community spread of COVID-19, we reserve the right to adjust our mask policy at any moment.


By signing your child up for Camp One, you and your camper agree to the following:

  • I agree to approach topics with an open mind, willing to offer my perspective and hear the perspective of those around me. 

  • Engaging with the staff, campers, and all personnel respectfully. 

  • In extreme and unlikely circumstances, we reserve the right to ask your camper not to return in the event that they are repeatedly jeopardizing the physical and/or emotional safety of those around them.

Late Pickup Policy

Each child is allowed 1 ten minute grace period for late pickup (3:10 or 6:10, depending). After that, a fee of $5 within each ten minute increment will be charged.

For example, if you pickup at 6:12 and have already used your one ten minute grace period, you will be charged $10.00.

If you know you are going to be late, we ask that you give camp staff a heads up.